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eCPPT Review

Well, I know it’s been awhile, but I wanted to write-up an eCPPT Review before moving on to other stuff.

This course and exam was definitely the hardest security certification I had taken to date, but it was well worth it.

The labs were excellent, though not without their bugs or issues. That said, staff was quick on the response to fix or update things even as small as typos in slides.

This is definitely something that you need to focus on though, or you end up spending a decent junk of change on extensions (though there is also the infinity voucher now).

The exam itself was incredibly fun, albeit a definite challenge. The instructors/TAs were available by e-mail to try to move you in the right direction without giving too much away, and the forum community was active enough with hints/ideas/other people working on it as well. This exam is something I bring up in a number of interviews now just because of its depth and use compared to other regurgitation type exams.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to jump into security or looking to add a another certification to their résumé.

From here I’d like to look into more applications/challenges as well as the possible pursuit of my OSCP.


  1. Hello,
    I wonder if you would not mind giving me so tips/advice over setting up the perfect environment to practice BOF.

    • Hi,

      Honestly, the perfect environment is the lab example! That said, if you’ve run out of lab time, then a Windows XP environment would be perfect. You can test again a known vulnerable app, the exact application from the lab, or something like vulnserver.

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