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Folder Date Rename Script - Results

Folder Date Rename Script – Sorting Folders Chronologically

I wrote (modified) a folder date rename script recently, and I wanted to share it.

Folder Date Rename Script – Introduction

First, I was trying to organize the files and folders on my new NAS.

Unfortunately, some of my folders were in the format of M/D/YYYY. If you are familiar with sorting, you know that this wouldn’t put them in chronological order.

In this case, I needed to change this format to YYYY/M/D.

During my research, I found a great PowerShell script that I could easily change.

Script Execution

As you can see, my original folder structure was not in chronological order.

PS F:\GameScreenshots\_Dated> dir

    Directory: F:\GameScreenshots\_Dated

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----         4/7/2012   2:01 PM                10-1-2008
d-----         4/7/2012   2:01 PM                10-10-2008
d-----         4/7/2012   2:01 PM                10-16-2008
d-----        2/17/2011   6:25 PM                10-2-2009
d-----        2/17/2011   6:25 PM                10-23-2009
d-----         4/7/2012   2:01 PM                10-24-2008

... <snip> ...

d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2-23-2012
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2-24-2012
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2-25-2012
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2-26-2012
d-----        2/17/2011   6:24 PM                3-26-2008
d-----        2/17/2011   6:24 PM                6-27-2008
d-----         4/7/2012   3:26 PM                6-28-2006
d-----        2/17/2011   6:24 PM                6-3-2008
d-----        2/17/2011   6:25 PM                8-13-2009

First, I executed my modified script, and it properly renamed my folders.

PS F:\GameScreenshots\_Dated> .\rename.ps1
Processing  10-1-2008
New folder name:  2008-10-1
Processing  10-10-2008
New folder name:  2008-10-10
Processing  10-16-2008
New folder name:  2008-10-16
Processing  10-2-2009
New folder name:  2009-10-2

... <snip> ...

Processing  4-6-2012
New folder name:  2012-4-6
Processing  4-7-2012
New folder name:  2012-4-7
Processing  4-8-2012
New folder name:  2012-4-8
Processing  5-1-2008
New folder name:  2008-5-1
PS F:\GameScreenshots\_Dated> dir

Finally, when it finished, my folder organization was far better.

    Directory: F:\GameScreenshots\_Dated

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----         4/7/2012   3:26 PM                2006-6-28
d-----         4/7/2012   2:01 PM                2008-10-1
d-----         4/7/2012   2:01 PM                2008-10-10
d-----         4/7/2012   2:01 PM                2008-10-16

... <snip> ...

d-----        2/17/2011   6:25 PM                2009-9-9
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2012-2-22
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2012-2-23
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2012-2-24
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2012-2-25
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2012-2-26
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2012-3-31
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2012-4-1
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2012-4-2
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2012-4-6
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2012-4-7
d-----        4/20/2014   2:58 PM                2012-4-8
-a----        4/20/2020   5:29 PM           1235 rename.ps1

Folder Date Rename Script - Results

The Code

First, I changed the original regex, as my files were different from the original blog post.

My new strRegEx was as follows.


Other than that, I removed any unnecessary lines and the logging from the original script.

You can find my modified version below, but all credit goes to the original author.

# Initialize Parameters/Variables
# Root of target folder
$strDirectoryPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition

# Delimiter to split date by (e.g. "/")
$strDelimiter = "-"

# RegEx for date format ("##-##-####" i.e.: "6-24-2019")
$strRegEx = "^\d{1,2}"+$strDelimiter+"\d{1,2}"+$strDelimiter+"\d{4}"

$aFolderList = $null
$aSplitFileName = @()
$strNewDate = $null
$strNewFolderName = $null

# Get folder list
$aFolderList = Get-ChildItem -Path $strDirectoryPath -Directory

FOREACH ($objFolder in $aFolderList){
    Write-Host "Processing "$objFolder.Name
    IF ($objFolder.Name -match $strRegEx){
        $aSplitFileName = $objFolder.Name.Split($strDelimiter)
        $strNewFolderName = $objFolder.Name -replace $strRegEx,($aSplitFileName[2] + $strDelimiter + $aSplitFileName[0] + $strDelimiter + $aSplitFileName[1])
        Write-Host "New folder name: "$strNewFolderName
        Rename-Item -path $strDirectoryPath\$objFolder -newName $strNewFolderName

    } ELSE {
        Write-Host $objFolder.Name" doesn't match the RegEx and will be skipped" -BackgroundColor Red
    Write-Host "================="
    # Clear variables for next pass
    $objFolder = @()
    $aSplitFileName = @()
    $strNewFolderName = $null

Folder Date Rename Script – Conclusion

This was a simple script, but it made organizing some screenshot folders much easier on my NAS.

I’m still using under 10% of my new storage, which is awesome. Stay tuned for even more lab upgrades and updates though!

I don’t plan on sharing this to my GitHub, as it is someone else’s script that I barely changed.

That said, if I use it for more tasks, then I may make it slightly more generic and share it then.

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